PB CSR Vol-I Part-I
Chapter 2
Ques Ans (Part 1)
In the Second chapter of PB CSR Vol-I Part-I Chapter 2 Definitions -CSR. Here are Important Questions Answers of this Chapters.
Ques. 201 Define the term “Audit Officer”?
Ans. 201 As per rule 2.2 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, read with note thereunder, the Audit Officer means the head of the office of Audit and Accounts subordinate to the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Q.202 Whether the period of Disability Leave is included in the term of Active Service for the purpose of pension?
Ans.202 Vide note below rule 2.3 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, the period of disability Leave is included in the term of Active Service for the purpose of pension.
Ques. 203 How the date of death of a Government employee is treated?
Ans.203 Under rule 2.5 of CSR Vol-l, Part-1, the date of death of a Government employee is treated as working day.
Q.204 A Government employee retired voluntarily prematurely under the Punjab Civil Services (Premature Retirement) Rules, 1975. How the date of his retirement shall be treated? (SAS Qn.)
Ans.204 As per proviso to rule 2,5 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, the date of retirement of the Government employee shall be treated as a non-working day.
Ques. 205 Can a Government employee get his date of birth changed after entry into Government service? If so, what are the requirements and what is the procedure? (SAS 3/91) (5)
Ans. 205 As per note 1 below rule 2.5 of CSR Vol-l, Part-1, (as amended vide Govt. notification dated 21.6.94), the date of birth recorded in the service book on, the basis of documents produced by the employee at the time of appointment cannot be altered, unless there is a clerical error, without the government’s prior approval.
As per Annexure ‘A’ to Chapter-ll of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, on the request of the Government employee along with confirmatory documentary evidences, The government will conduct an investigation and grant the request if it can be demonstrated that the applicant’s initial date of birth was a genuine error and that he did not unfairly benefit from it.
Ques. 206 An applicant has been selected for the post of a peon and he reports for duty on 20.6.1995. He cannot tell his exact date of birth nor he can produce any proof of his date of birth Determine his date of birth with reference to his date of appointment: –
(i) If the applicant is able to tell only the year or year and month of his birth
(ii) If the applicant is able to state only his approximate age. (SAS 6/95) (5)
Ans. 206 (i) Vide note 2 (a) below rule 2.5 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, first July or the 16th of the month respectively, may be treated as date of his birth.
(ii) Vide note 2 (b) below rule 2.5 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, his date of birth may be assumed to be corresponding date after deducting the number of years representing his age from his date of appointment.
Ques. 207 What should be taken as date of birth of a Government employee, if only year of birth/month and year of birth is known?
Ans. 207 Vide note 2 (a) below 2.5 of CSR Vol-I, Part-1, the date of birth of such a Govemment employee is required to be taken as 1st July of the year/16th of the month of that year respectively.
Ques. 208 A Government employee at the time of appointment is unable to state his exact date/month/year of birth but is able to state his approximate age. What shall be his date of birth?
Ans. 208 Vide note 2 (b) below rule 2.5 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, the date of birth of such a Government employee may be assumed as corresponding date after deducting the number of years representing his age from the date of appointment.
Ques. 209 The Year of birth of a Government employee is 1948, the month and date being not known. What will be considered his date of birth? When will he retire?
Ans. 209 Vide note 2 (a) below rule 2.5 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, the date of birth of the Government employee will be considered as 1.7.1948. He will retire on 30.6.2006, vide 3.26 (d) ibid read with explanation thereunder.
Ques. 210 Distinguish between an Apprentice and a Probationer? (SAS/2004 & 6/94 (2)&(4)
Ans. 210 Apprentice means a person deputed for training in a trade or business with a view to employment in Government service. On the other hand, A government employee hired on probation in or to fill a substantive gap in a department’s cadre is referred to as a “probationer.” (Rules 2.6 & 2.49 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1.)
Ques. 211 Clearly differentiate between Cadre & Lien? (SAS 2/2003) (2)
Ans. 211 Cadre means the strength of a service, or a part of a service sanctioned as a separate unit. Whereas Lien means the right or title of a Government employee to hold a regular post, whether permanent or temporary, either immediately or on the termination of the period of absence (Rules 2.9 & 2.35 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1).
Ques. 212 Distinguish between Compensatory Allowance and Special Pay.?
Ans. 212 An allowance given to cover personal expenses caused by the unique circumstances under which duty is performed is referred to as a compensatory allowance. It includes travelling allowance, dearness allowance. On the other hand, Special Pay means an addition, of the nature of pay, granted in consideration of the specially arduous nature of duties, or a specific addition to the work or responsibility (Rules 2.13 & 2.52 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1).
Ques. 213 (a) What are the general principles governing the grant of Compensatory Allowance?
(b) State whether the following are compensatory allowance or not:-
- Daily Allowance
- (ii) Subsistence Allowance.
- (ii) Sumptuary Allowance (SAS 6/94) (5)
Ans 213 (a) Under rule 5.1 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, the general principles governing the grant of Compensatory Allowance is that it is not on the whole a source of profit to the recipient.
(b) (i) Under rule 2,13 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, Daily Allowance is Compensatory Allowance.
(ii) Under rule 7.2 (1)(ii)(a) ibid, Subsistence Allowance is allowed to a Government employee under suspension in lieu of Pay. As such it is not a Compensatory Allowance.
(iii) Under rule 2.13 ibid, Sumptuary Allowance is not a Compensatory Allowance.
Ques. 214 An Officer drawing pay at Rs. 6,700/- P.M. is saddled with extra work and responsibility in connection with elections. It is proposed to remunerate him by a Compensatory Allowance of Rs. 1,200/- P.M. Comments? (SAS 12/99) (5)
Ans. 214 The proposal is against the provisions of rule 2.13 of CSR Vol-l, Part-1, vide which Compensatory Allowance is granted to any employee to meet personal expenditure necessitated by the special circumstances in which duty is performed. It include TA, D.A etc.
As the Officer is saddled with extra work & responsibility in connection with elections, the proposal should have been for the grant of special pay under rule 2.52 Ibid.
Ques. 215 Distinguish between Competent Authority & Government?
Ans. 215 Competent Authority means the Administrative Department concerned of Government or any other authority to which such power may be delegated by or under Civil Services Rules While Government means the Punjab Government in the Administrative Department (Rules 2.14 & 2.24 of CSR Vol-1, Part-I).
Ques. 216 Mr. ‘B’ an employee (Group B) of Punjab Transport Department dies on 30.6.2005 after office hours. He was to be superannuated on same day. Please examine whether insurance amount under GIS will be admissible to his family (SAS 8/05) (5) (SAS 8/97) (5).
Ans. 216 Under rule 2.15 of CSR Vol-1, Part-l, day means Calendar Day beginning and ending at midnight. Therefore, Sh. B was a Government employee up to midnight of 30.6.2005 for which he has drawn pay. As such he died while in service.
Vide para 8 (3) and II (4) of Appendix VII of CSR Vol-ll, the Insurance as well as Saving Fund amounts will be admissible to the family of the deceased employee, as he died while in service.
Ques. 217 Please state whether leave of any kind can be treated as duty for the purposes of Civil Services Rules?
Ans. 217 Vide note below rule 2.16 (b) of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, no leave of any kind can be treated as duty for the purpose of any rule, unless the contrary is expressly stated therein.
Ques. 218 Whether step children are included in the term of family of a Government employee?
Ans 218 Under rule 217 of CSR Vol-I, Part-1, stepchildren residing with and wholly dependent upon the Government employee are included in the term of family.
Ques. 219 Whether major sons & married daughters are included in the term of family of government employee?
Ans. 219 As per provision of note 2 below rule 2.17 of CSR Vol, Part-1, major sons & married daughters so long as they are residing and wholly dependent on the Government employee are included in the term of family of a Government employee.
Ques. 220 Can two wives be included in the term of “Family” under the Punjab Civil Services Rules? (Asstt. Grade)
Ans 220 According to note 3 below rule 2.17 of CSR Vol-l, Part-l, not more than one wife is included in the term of family under the Punjab Civil Services Rules.
Chapter 2 Definitions Ques Ans (Part 2)
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