In the Fourth chapter of PB CSR Vol-1 Part-1 Chapter 4 Pay Fixation Rule Ques-Ans Part 1. Here are Important Questions Answers of this Chapters.
PB CSR Vol-I Part-I
Chapter IV
(Part 1)
Ques 401 State the authority which can fix pay of an employee. Whether such authority can fix pay more than the maximum pay of the scale of the post?
Ans 401 Under rule 4.1 (1) of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, a Competent Authority (Head of office for employees working under him) can fix pay of a government employee. Such authority cannot fix pay more than the maximum pay of the scale of that post.
Ques 402 Whether a Competent Authority can fix pay of an employee more or less than that permissible under the rules?
Ans 402 According to note below rule 4.1(1) of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, the Competent Authority cannot grant (fix) pay of an employee less or more than that permissible under the rules, in the normal course.
Ques 403 Please state whether both personal pay and special pay can be allowed to an employee, at the same time?
Ans 403 Vide rule 4.1(2) of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, both personal pay and special pay can be allowed to an employee at the same time, at the required conditions are fulfilled.
Ques 404 How the pay of a Govt. employee, deputed for training treated as duty, is regulated?
Ans 404 As per provisions of rule 4.3 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, during the period of such training, the employee is entitled to draw pay, which he would have drawn, if he had not been sent on training.
Ques 405 A Punjab Govt. employee was undergoing training in the Army. How the period spent in such training and on the journeys to and from the place of training is treated for the purpose of leave and Increments?
Ans 405 According to Explanation I below rule 4.3 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, the period spent in such training and on the journeys to and from the place of training, will be treated as duly for the purpose of leave and increments in civil pay.
Ques 406 A reservist of Indian Armed Force, working as a Clerk under the Punjab Govt., was called for yearly military training. How his pay will be regulated and who will bear the expenditure of the pay and allowances of such period. How the training period is treated for leave, pension, and Increment.
Ans 406 Vide Explanation 2 below rule 4.3 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, the employee will get military pay and allowances from the Defence during such training. If the military pay is less than the Punjab Govt. pay, he will also receive the difference with the sanction of the Competent Authority.
The training period including the journey period to and from the place of training will be treated as duty for the purposes of leave, pension and increments of civil pay.
Ques 407 A substantive clerk promoted as substantive assistant. How & under what rule his pay will be fixed and when he will get Increment.?
Ans 407 The pay of such an employee will be fixed under rule 4.4 (a) (1) of CSR Vo-1, Part-1. The pay will be fixed at the stage which is next above his substantive pay of the lower post of clerk. He will get increment after complete one year from the date of promotion.
Ques. 408 A substantive Clerk was appointed as substantive reader, not involving higher responsibility. How his pay will be fixed and when he will get the Increment?
Ans. 408 Under rule 4.4 (a) (ii) of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, his pay as reader will be fixed equal to the pay being drawn by him as clerk (no benefit). He will get his increment on the old date of clerk.
Ques. 409 A substantive Assistant drawing pay of RS.940/- in the pay scale of 570-1080 was transferred as substantive Senior Clerk in the pay scale of Rs. 510-800, at his own request. How his pay will be fixed/regulated?
Ans. 409 Vide rule 4.4(a) (i) of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, his initial pay will be fixed at Rs. 800/-ie, equal to the maximum of the scale of lower post.
Ques. 410 A substantive Assistant was drawing pay of Rs. 940/- in the pay scale of 570-1080 w.e. was reverted on 1.1.80 and his pay as substantive Senior Clerk was fixed at Rs. 750/- in the pay scale of Rs. 510-800 i.e. equal to the pay which he would have drawn had he not been promoted. He again promoted as substantive Assistant on 12.2.1982, when his substantive pay as substantive senior clerk was 800/-, in the pay scale of 510-800. How his pay as substantive Assistant will be fixed when will he draw increment?
Ans. 410 As per proviso to rule 4.4. (b) of CSR Vol-l, Part-1, his pay will be fixed at 340/- per month and the period during which he draw that pay on last occasion shall count for increment. As such he will draw increment on 1.9.1982 (old period of 5 months+ new period of 7 months)
Ques. 411 A senior scale stenographer drawing pay at the minimum of the pay scale of Rs. 5800-9200 in the Punjab Urban Development Authority is selected for appointment through proper channel under the Punjab Govt. as Junior Scale Stenographer in the pay scale of 4400-7000. He presses for protection of the pay drawn previously as well as the service rendered in the senior scale towards seniority. Comment giving reference to the provisions of relevant rules and Instructions (12/2000 SAS)
Ans. 411 As per provisions of Govt. letter dated 15.11.2000 and proviso to rule 4.4 (b) of CSR Vol-l, Part-1, the pay of the state-owned Board/Corporation employee can be protected only if, he is appointed under the State Govt. in the same post or a post in the same time scale or identical time scale.
The employee was working in PUDA as Senior Scale Stenographer Rs. 5800-9200 and appointed under the State Govt. as Jr. Scale Stenographer in the scale of RS. 4400-7000 i.e., lower post as well as pay scale, therefore, his request of protection of pay is not covered under the Govt. instructions/rules and is not acceptable. His pay will be fixed at minimum of the pay scale in which he was appointed i.e. Rs. 4400/-. His previous service will also not countable towards seniority & he will be placed lower to those already higher up in the seniority list.
Ques 412. A Govt. employee was promoted on the date when increment was due to him in the lower post. How his pay will be fixed?
Ans 412. According to Note 1 below rule 4.4(c) of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, his initial pay in the higher post shall be fixed after allowing him increment in the lower post.
Ques 413. How pay of an employee is to be fixed on the revision (enhancement) of the pay scales?
Ans 413. Vide note 4 below rule 4.4 (c) of CSR Vol, Part-1, he will get the same pay as was being drawn by him in the old scale, but it shall not be less than the minimum of the new scale (Benefit only to those employees who were drawing pay less than the minimum of the revised pay scale).
Ques 414. State the conditions, subject to which, special pay received by a Govt. employee may be treated as part of his basic pay for fixation of pay on promotion to higher post.
Ans 414. The conditions, under which special pay received by an employee may be treated as part of his basic pay on promotion to higher post. are given below: –
(a) The special pay was granted in lieu of separate higher time scale
(b) The special pay has been drawn by the employee in the lower post for 3 years.
(c) it is certified by the Competent Authority that but for promotion the employee would have continued to draw the special pay in the lower post vide Note 9 below 4.4 (c) of CSR Vol-l, Part-1, (Note 9 below 4.4(c) was deleted with effect from 11.1.90)
Ques 415. How the pay of an employee, whose time scale has been reduced for reasons other than diminution of duties, shall be fixed.
Ans 415. Vide rule 4.5 of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, his pay will be fixed equal to the pay which he would have drawn, the amount of time during which he would have received that pay on such latest and previous occasions, if the reduced time scale of pay had been in effect from the start and he was to count for increments.
Ques 416. How pay of a probationer is regulated during the period of probation?
Ans 416. Under rule 4.5 A of CSR Vol-1, Part-1, during the period of probation, a probationer shall draw pay at the minimum of the time scale or when the service is still in its probationary period or post, as the case may be. However, if he is on probation and his substantive pay is more than the minimum of the new scale, he will get presumptive pay of that post.
Chapter 4 Pay Fixation Rule (Part 2)
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